Safeguarding in BAES
We take our duty to safeguard learners and protect their welfare seriously. If you have a concern about abuse it can be raised with a member of our safeguarding team.
We will support you and find and contact agencies who can provide further help if needed. You might, for example, be concerned about
- Physical abuse, including domestic violence
- Emotional abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Financial abuse
- Radicalisation or extremism
Are you worried about your safety?
If you wish to discuss any concerns with a Safeguarding Officer please call 0121 675 2805. If you feel you are in immediate danger please call 999.
You may also ask to use centre phones to contact support agencies yourself if you would rather not use your own phone.
If you have a concern and do not wish to contact the safeguarding team the link below will take you to a list of some other organisations who may be able to help you.