David is 77 years old and has several health and mobility problems.

In spite of these difficulties, he is always on time for his computer classes and puts 100% effort into completing his work. After class, he spends his afternoon using the centre’s IT facilities. BAES has become his second home.

David is motivated by his wish to learn as much as he can as he looks to the future. He plans to be ready to maintain his independence in case one day he is not able to leave his home. To do this, he aims to be confident online to order goods, manage any support he may need and stay in touch with friends.

At the moment, our IT course is a wonderful reason for David to get out the house, meet friends, learn something new, and feel included. He loves our learning centre, the learner’s room, and spending time with us. His teacher says:

“David is a person that deserves admiration. At his age and with such a painful illness, he still comes to our centre everyday to use the PCs and join his class. Technology does not intimidate him and in all my classes he wants to learn and know more.”

David intends to continue his studies and challenge himself every day. It is wonderful to see how he tries to learn new things every day. We hope he has many more years of learning to come with us.

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