Geoff had to leave his job as a care worker when he needed to have a hip replacement.

In March 2021, he decided to get out and start looking for a new career. With a lifelong love of numbers, he chose an Accounts course at Brasshouse. 

Geoff instantly felt part of the learning community and realised that his physical problems weren’t a barrier to his succeeding. He credits this support with what drove him to want to succeed so much.

While studying on this course, Geoff noticed that the offices to the Commonwealth Games were in the Library too and decided he wanted to get involved. He was delighted to be accepted as a volunteer at his beloved Edgbaston Cricket Ground.

Enjoying his studies, Geoff took his learning to the next level and enrolled onto the challenging level 3 qualification. Partway through this course, he got the call to have his operation. After twelve weeks of intense rehabilitation he was determined to return and complete what he had started. Not succeeding straightaway, Geoff showed his resilience and determination by repeating the exam which he then passed.

Geoff is currently looking for an accountancy role. While he does this, he is volunteering with the accounts team to keep his skills sharp and ready to go when the job opportunity he so richly deserves turns up.

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