Sadia became a BAES learner when she joined the Community Learning Becoming a Parent Ambassador course.

Sadia embarked on this educational path because of her desire to build self-esteem, overcome isolation, and actively engage in her community and her child's school.

Her journey stands out because of the significant challenges she has faced along the way. Despite the fact she had endured a difficult marriage and tragically lost her first husband, she has shown immense strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, her eldest child is autistic, a daily challenge she tackles with parental love and dedication.

Since joining BAES, Sadia has made remarkable progress and acquired valuable knowledge and skills, particularly in improving her writing abilities. Moreover, Sadia's confidence has soared, and she now possesses a strong belief in her own potential for further growth and accomplishments. In the future, Sadia's aspirations include enrolling in an IT course to enhance her technological skills and pursuing a mathematics course to expand her knowledge.

Sadia's commitment to personal development and positive outlook on life, despite the adversities she has faced, is truly inspiring. She is determined to improve her own life and provide the best possible future for her children. Recognising the power of education, Sadia believes that by educating herself she can enhance her career prospects and create a better future for her family.

Sadia's resilient attitude and positive mindset is a great example of a valuable learner and member of society.

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