Sarah aspires to pursue a nursing career, using her English course as a stepping stone to achieve the dream.

Despite a degree in Marketing & Management from UCB, Sarah's career direction shifted due to health issues, leading her to work in the care sector for seven years. Recognising the importance of enhancing her English skills to fulfil her dream, she joined BAES in 2022.

Sarah's calm and fearless character sets her apart. She also stands out because she has developed impressive organisational and learning strategies, as she excels in pinpointing and summarising the gist of discussions, interpreting details, and managing her studies alongside work and home commitments.

Thanks to her methodical and determined approach, she always completes what she sets out to do, no matter what. Testimony to this is her exam success so far, comfortably passing her writing in March. Her anxiety at the start of the year at the prospect of delivering a talk "In the Spotlight" has since been replaced by glowing confidence, allowing her to deliver a fantastic presentation to pass her speaking, listening and communication exam.

Currently preparing for the reading exam, Sarah is on track to earn her full certificate and plans to pursue the Level 2 Functional Skills English course.

Remarkably, Sarah puts to use her newly found ability to speak up by advocating for her classmates, showing the side of her that wants to go out there and help others.

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