Siema has dedicated her life to caring for her family. She has watched her children growing up and work towards achieving their career goals.

Happy to see them exploring their options, there was a part of her that regretted she had never had the opportunity to reach her own potential as a learner.

Siema had always enjoyed spending time with her own children and felt drawn to working in schools. In 2022 she enrolled on Working with Children course and also started to improve her English and Maths. At the start her confidence was low and she often asked for help with work which was within her capability.

Over the last 18 months, her tutors have been delighted to see her develop into a confident, independent learner. She not only completes all assessments to a high standard but is supportive of other learners and balances the demands of her courses, placement and very busy homelife.

She is now developing strong leadership skills, often taking the lead in class activities. When she started studying, Siema lacked concentration. It is great to see how focused she has now become. Siema intends to complete her Supporting Teaching and Learning – Level 3 course next year and achieve Level 2 in Maths and English so that she can work as a teaching assistant.

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