English: Community Learning


Grammar and punctuation – Part 1 & 2

Duration: These courses are each 6 weeks long.

Content: This course introduces learners to basic English grammar and punctuation skills.

Learners will  

  • explore the purpose and use of word types: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
  • identify and use a range of punctuation markers which include capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas

Introduction to writing - Part 1

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long or workshop.

Content: This course introduces learners to basic English writing skills.

Learners will - 

  • explore sentence structure in order to express ideas clearly
  • construct simple sentences and punctuating it effectively to develop meaning and clarity
  • develop writing skills using past, present and future tenses

Introduction to writing - Part 2

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long or workshop.

Content: This course develops learners to build their confidence in English writing skills.

Learners will - 

  • learn to write better sentences using accurate grammar and punctuation and applying this knowledge to a number of practical writing tasks, such as writing a short note, writing a text message and writing a card
  • correctly spell a range of simple familiar words

Reading with confidence

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to improve learner’s confidence with reading. 

Learners will -

  • grasp different reading strategies (scan, skim etc)
  • read short stories and informational texts
  • read instructions and procedures
  • read signs and labels

Preparation for Functional Skills 

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course develops learners’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Learners will

  • develop reading and writing skills of short, simple texts on familiar topics and experiences
  • develop your communication skills and confidence to take part in group discussions
  • learn and use strategies to improve your spelling

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement. At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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Media and Performing Arts: Community Learning

Media and Performing Arts

Social media for beginners

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to build learners’ confidence in understanding and using social media in daily life.

Learners will be taught how to  

  • identify different social media platforms
  • use social media safely online
  • set up privacy settings on social media
  • create their own social platform


Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to support learners on building their own podcast.

Learners will

  • identify the target audience
  • choose recording equipments and softwares
  • edit the podcast
  • publish the podcast
  • promote the podcast

Performing arts for beginners: Part 1 & 2

Duration: Each part is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course will give learners the opportunity to explore different elements of Performing Arts such as dance / movement, music / singing and acting / drama in a safe environment.

Learners will learn how to:

  • use their voice and body to express themselves
  • overcome barriers and increase confidence and self-worth
  • communicate effectively
  • boost, share and explore their own creativity
  • bring out their hidden talents

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement. At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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Developing Stronger Communities: Community Learning

Developing Stronger Communities

Freedom programme

Duration: 10-week programme delivered over 2 hours a week for women only.

Content: This course is designed specifically for women who are experiencing or may have experienced domestic abuse.

Learners will 

  • explore the concept of a healthy relationship
  • gain an awareness of how to keep themselves and/or their children safe in a relationship
  • identify the different forms of domestic violence
  • investigate strategies to raise self-esteem and confidence

Becoming a parent ambassador

Duration: 10-week programme delivered over 3 hours a week. It is an adult only course.

Content: The aim of this level 2 qualification is to help schools increase parental engagement.

Learners will

  • explore barriers to learning for children and adults
  • identify policies and procedures relevant to the school
  • ascertain how to communicate effectively with parents and school staff 
  • identify the values of the school and the importance of promoting British values

Communities for empowerment

Duration: 2 hour workshop.

Content: A variety of workshops that equip learners with the knowledge and skills about their rights and responsibilities in being an active citizen in their community. 

Learners will find out about - 

  • participating in democratic processes
  • volunteering and leadership skills
  • community networks and neighbourhood care

Community learning champions

Duration: 6 week course.

Content: This course enables learners to apply knowledge gained from previous community learning courses they have attended, to develop leadership and empowerment skills and build partnerships between BAES and the wider community.

Learners will be taught how to

  • identify future opportunities for volunteering with small business
  • develop organisation skills, self-presentation skills and time management

Seasonal and cultural events / workshops

Duration: 2 hour workshops

Content: The course aims to provide a better understanding of the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet by making well informed choices and good eating behaviours.

Learners will find out about -  

  • which food is healthy and unhealthy, including the five major food groups as well as incorporating five a day.  
  • food portions, calories and processed food.   
  • the effects of unhealthy food and diet.  
  • how to cook in a healthy way 

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement. At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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Green Living: Community Learning

Green Living 

Neighbourhood care

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course aims to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to become active citizens in their local community.

Learners will find out about

  • neighbourhood schemes
  • litter picking
  • fly tipping and waste removal

Upcycling and recycling

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course enables learners to explore the negative impact of landfills and waste disposal and explore creative and innovative ways to recycle and upcycle. 

Learners will

  • find out about landfills and waste disposal
  • learn about recycling and upcycling initiatives in their local community
  • develop ways to upcycle and recycle

All about energy

Duration: 6 weeks or workshop.

Content: This course explores and investigates the topic of energy, its uses and how it impacts on the earth. 

Learners will find out about

  • forms of energy; benefits and dangers
  • climate change
  • saving energy

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement. At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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Community Learning

At Birmingham Adult Education Service, we are passionate about improving social mobility and inclusion for the residents of Birmingham.

Our Community Learning Team works with the adults who are currently furthest from education and employment opportunities and makes a positive difference to their lives. Our courses are designed to support people who may be isolated, lack confidence, have little education and to help them to re-engage with their community, make friends, further their learning and possibly gain employment.

Our Community Learning programme inspires learners to

  • explore and develop their talents
  • break down social and economic barriers in their life
  • become confident members of society

How does it work?

All out courses are delivered in the community in a variety of venues. We are currently working with a range of public and voluntary sector organisations and delivering customised programmes in schools, nurseries, libraries, children centres, doctors’ surgeries, church halls and shelters.

We collaborate with each venue to understand and identify the need of the service users and decide together on a course programme. We then come to the venue to run the classes.

Group size, length of courses and patterns of delivery

Group sizes can be from eight to twelve adults. All courses are six weeks long and a full six week long commitment is required from the learners.

We offer face to face and distance learning.  

All learners are awarded a certificate of achievement at the end of their course. 

Family Learning

Some of our courses are designed for families and provides an opportunity for parents and children to learn and work together. A shared time with no distractions; just families learning and having fun together! We provide a chance to create memories, develop skills and rekindle new interests.  

For face-to-face learning, each adult can bring one child. 

We also offer distance-learning courses in Family Learning whereby adults can support more than one child.

What do we need from you?

Our vibrant team work with you to identify and meet the learning needs and aspirations of your learners as well as the goals of your organisation. As all courses are FREE all we need for from you is to provide the venue, publicise our courses and recruit learners and/or families to join the programmes.

We will provide exceptional and skilled teachers, resources and targeted courses, which develop life-long skills and aim to close the achievement gap.

How to get started

If you are part of a public or voluntary sector organisation and would like to know more about how we can help make a difference to the people you engage and work with, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 0121 303 4318

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