Healthy Living 

Healthy eating

Duration: 6 weeks or 2 hour workshops.

Content: The course aims to provide a better understanding of the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet by making well informed choices and good eating behaviours.   

Learners will learn about -

  • which food is healthy and unhealthy, including the five major food groups as well as incorporating five a day  
  • food portions, calories and processed food   
  • the effects of unhealthy food and diet  
  • how to cook in a healthy way 

Waste not, want not

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to raise awareness of how to be more sustainable with food and use a practical approach to reduce waste.

Learners will be taught how to - 

  • understand their own food waste behavior
  • strategies needed to reduce food waste
  • money saving skills when shopping for food

Sow and grow

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to develop your know ledge and skills for growing your own plants, fruit, vegetables herbs and flowers.

Learners will find out -

  • about the benefits of growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs
  • when and what seeds to plant based on seasons and months
  • grow plants, fruit, vegetables from off cuts
  • about cross pollination and pruning
  • about making compost and how to use pesticides and fertilizers 
  • how to be safe while working in the garden

Active life

Duration: This course is 6 weeks long.

Content: This course aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be able to lead an active healthy lifestyle.

Learners will - 

  • identify the importance of physical activity and healthy living
  • know how to make activity and lifestyle changes

Healthy body

Duration: 6 weeks or 2 hour workshops.

Content: This course aims to explore a variety of factors that contribute to a healthy body and the challenges and barriers we may experience when maintaining a healthy body. During this course you will also learn about different health conditions, their causes and how to reduce the risk.

You will learn about - 

  • the major organs and bones in the body and their function
  • factors that contribute to a healthy body
  • health concerns - causes and symptoms of high and low blood pressure / heart disease / diabetes / obesity / arthritis / cancer/ virus / infections  
  • the Immune system and Detoxification  
  • hygiene and beauty
  • how to create a personal plan which will help you to work towards a healthy body

Taste the world

Duration: 6 week course or 2 hour workshops.

Content: This course aims to introduce foods from different parts of the world alongside activities and information about the different cultures. Learners will learn

  • to make a variety of foods from different parts of the world
  • about the similarities and differences of food across cultures
  • about the carbon footprint of foods found in the UK and fair trade

Course requirements

Learners will need access to a tablet/laptop/smartphone or PC. They will also need an email address and access to the internet.

What could these courses lead to?

On completion of these courses all learners will receive a certificate of achievement and it could lead to further accredited qualifications such as Entry 3 to Level 2 Ascentis Award in Healthy Living.

At the end of the course, we will provide information about other learning opportunities and courses for adults to join in the local area.

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